Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Martha's Vineyard...15-20 Lb Bass

Just got back from a few days on the Vineyard and it was quite an experience. It wasn't the first time I fished up there (thanks again PM), but I fished in a different way this trip. First I tried some local salt ponds and wasn't expecting much, but was I wrong. I managed several nice mid 20"ers and lost one that had to be at least 30". It was really cool fishing in only 2-3 feet of water. Next I was off to sight fish on the flats. It was just like fishing in Florida or the Caribbean, in gin clear water but over white sandy bottom. The only issue I had was my less than accurate casting ability, especially when I was trying to place my fly right in front of the fish while it was blowing 20 knots. I did manage some good casts and had some nice fish (the biggest one I broke off..only using 10 Lb leader Vs 20 that I'm used to here at home). We then found some serious bluefish in the 15-18 Lb range. Talk about a pull on the line. Unfortunately, we weren't prepared and we were still using our 10 Lb leader so you know the result (a few lost flies). Finally, we found some nice bass (15-20 Lb class) busting sand eels. To top it all off, I filled up on a 3.5 Lb lobster that came right off the boat. What a fantastic trip!! To say it's a fishing mecca would be an understatement...definitely put it on your "bucket list".

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